
Facilities Maintenance and Lawn Care ~ Wednesdays, 9 am – Noon

Volunteers on our Facilities team serve behind the scenes. They take care of the church building and grounds and keep things looking and working great. They clean the church building, maintain the church grounds, prep for services and events, and help with landscaping, painting, electrical and various other skills. If you can and want to be part of the facilities team, contact the Church office at 760.745.7061 or email at escondidonaz@efcn.com

Cleaning of the Sanctuary ~ Thursdays, 9-11 am
In the Old Testament the Levites helped to take care of the Tabernacle. We currently have a team that cleans every Thursday starting at 9 am. If you can and would like to volunteer to part of the team with people you enjoy spending time with, contact the Church office at 760.745.7061 or email at escondidonaz@efcn.com

Nursery & Preschool Classrooms
Weekly volunteers work to keep our nursery and preschool classrooms and toys clean for our little ones. If you can and want to assist in this way, contact Susan Mamer, our Early Childhood Director at smamer@efcn.com